Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A little big hole..

We have started telling stories to stimulate the kids imaginations. Frankly, we learned very quickly that they didn't NEED any help with that. Most of Paxton's stories involve some sort of aircraft or a camping trip. Ella, on the other hand, likes to involve some sort of death in her stories. Yes, that's right. Death.

Once upon a time, there was a little big hole. Ella fell in and died. The end.

I am hoping that she doesn't understand the gravity of what she is saying. And, while I'm proud that upon entering the church every Sunday she prompty announces, "Jesus died on the cross!" very loudly, it is a little disturbing that she has a fascination with her own mortality. Oh, well. I suppose she comes by it naturally. I have been convinced lately that I am going to die young as well.

We have also started potty training, since Ella decided that she was ready after an encounter with "Prudence" and her potty seat. Yay! I discoverd that it is MUCH more difficult to potty train girls than it is boys. There is that whole "panty problem". We insist on taking them all the way off every time. No. Not just down, but off. AND....one would think that since she is a girl the potty would just go straight down into the toilet, but girls' anatomy is quite interesting. All she has to do is try to watch the potty come out and poof!- out spills the potty over the seat and onto the floor! Fun times.

Steve has started to go to Seattle for the day every Monday. I am trying to be REALLY supportive about it. I know that he needs to do it to build "team cohesion" and "boost morale". Secretly, I think he just goes so that he can get his weekly fix of something that I call a little bit poison, otherwise knows as pop. I think this because every time I get into his car after he has been gone, there are like THREE empty pop cans rolling around the floor of the passengers seat. I guess I should be happy it's just soda and not another woman. I'm really not sure which is worse though. When he got home last night he asked me what day would be a good day for me to "take the day off". Oh how I love the man I married.

I have started a food journal. I know that I am breastfeeding and, as the le leche league claims, the weight should be coming off with relative ease. Um, no. I am now convinced that I must be getting up in the middle of the night and taking trips to Krisy Kreme in my sleep. I'm just teetering up and down two pounds a week. What's that about? So frustrating. Have I told you I have food issues? I am trying to compensate by spending 40-45 mintues on the treadmill at least 4 times a week. Stay tuned for the continuing weight loss/gain saga.


One Boys Mom said...

That is pretty funny regarding Ella. I'm glad you're moving forward with this blog thing!

One Boys Mom said...

Nic, I just had to comment again. I keep thinking about Ella's story and it cracks me up!!! I really think this sums up what appears to be a child who is very matter-of-fact and fearless.