Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day two.

This is the second morning that Steve and I have gotten up at 5:00 and 5:30am, respectively. He brings me the baby to nurse, and hops in the shower. I finish feeding the baby and get in the shower at 5:30. We rise, we shower, we pray and read the news, we sip coffee. We talk. And it's awesome.

I will be praying for help to make it last. I know that these things to help us stay focused are always the first things to go in times of chaos. What I need to pray about is that God help me to make it a priority and the He remind me of the peaceful feelings that infiltrate my entire day after I begin it with prayer.

When I was pregnant, I was getting up at 5:30, going to Curves to work out before anyone was awake, coming home and making breakfast. I loved it. It felt so good and it was the right time of day for me to take care of myself without having to disrupt anyone else's schedule. Now, with a nursing baby...well, let's just say the idea of bouncing that early in the morning just seems painful, if you know what I mean. My one year membership was up in November and I had the option to renew. I didn't. That is fine but it leaves me with needing to figure out what I will do now to get some exercise. We have a great treadmill. I think it's time she and I get reaquainted in the evenings, after the kids are in bed. That just seems like a much less painful time to bounce.

My mom has heard me whine many times that I just wish I had time to pray, like priests and nuns. Did she just listen in vain? No! She bought me the complete set of The Liturgy of The Hours. Whoa. I have been doing it in the mornings...most afternoons and occasionally I remember in the evenings. It is beautiful, structured, and...intense. If this doesn't help me to grow, nothing will!

So...for the new year, back in with the family rosary (which fell to the wayside when the intensity of homebuilding picked up), back in with early morning rising (which fell to the wayside promptly after giving birth), and back in with exercise (which fell to the wayside after ....engorgement.)

Happy New Year to you and here's hoping that any and all changes you are making in your lives are coming with more ease than difficulty!


Melissa said...

Oh, wow, your mom is awesome! I, too, am struggling to find more time for prayer. I'd love a complete set of the Liturgy of the Hours! I've also got my eye on a set of In Conversation with God daily meditations. ALSO, I'd really like to subscribe to Magnificat! I can hardly wait to receive my bonus check from work! :)

I'm so glad your new schedule is bringing you such peace. I know that it makes such a world of difference for me to rise early, too. And to have chores done before I go to bed so my mornings are left for peace and quiet conversation. I've been trying for 6:00, but Dylan's been getting up so early lately that I might have to start pushing it back to 5:30. I hope I can do it!

I will pray for your continued peace and well being. The treadmill sounds like a great idea! Your reasons for avoidig Curves at this time just made me laugh. But I know exactly what you mean! And on a related note, your comment at Michelle's about the priest attempting to lift the blanket totally cracked me up, too. :) Oh, the many joys of breastfeeding!

karen Druffel said...

My dear Colie:
You achieve such amazing schedules. On those rare occasions when it just doesn't come together, remember,
" You are too blessed to be distressed and too anointed to be disappointed." I remind myself of this daily...(as you know, it doesn't always work) You are such a shining example of God's joy, for your husband, children, siblinigs and parents.

Christine said...

I am so impressed that you get up at 5:30, I am not a morning person. When I have grouchy little ones (Gregory is teething right now) I'm not a night person either. I'm a "love to sleep" person.

I'll say a little prayer for y'all that your schedule and everything you're aiming for fit well and come together.

Celeste Creates said...

It is so very hard to get up early and stick with it, especially when we are so genuinely tired. It is also hard to beat the little ones up! I am trying to get back in to it. For the longest time I have either been too tired or I could not count on Mikey waking up at a consistent time. On Thursday I tried it and was terribly disappointed to be out of yummy coffee creamer! I know. I know. It is not about coffee creamer, but in a way it is :)) I love the Liturgy of the Hours. I have the one volume Christian prayer and it is such a wonderful way to pray with the church. And I do not think I could live without all my In Conversation with God books. I bought them slowly as I needed them.

As far as exercise goes - I ditched the treadmill. I was so bored. I am thoroughly enjoying Walk Away the Pounds! Love it. So do the kids! It is a really great alternative.

Good luck dear one! I will be thinking of you as I get up early too!