Tuesday, October 31, 2006


How sad is it that the only decent picture I have of myself is of about seven months ago? Man, I hate having my picture taken!

So, do I look like a 'Nicole'? Cuz that's what I am. A 'Nicole'.

Nicknames that have been given me by various family members: "Colie", "Coleslaw", "Missy", "Slaw" and "Dano"(what Steve calls me when he's upset with me. It's my maiden name. Yeah, don't think for a second that there was ANY coach in Junior High or High School that didn't LOVE the phrase "Book em' Dano!" I'm not even old enough to be familiar with that show!)

Now, if you'll please just stick with Headstrong or HWWTMBW. It's SO much more mysterious and, frankly, I could use a little mystery.

I live in a house where 'full disclosure' is commonplace. The kind of 'full disclosure' where, at Mass, when the priest asks my daughter in front of the whole parish if she prays to God regularly she replies with, "Um, I have Dora sunglasses!" and then she runs back to the pew and loudly proclaims (about four times), "Dad, I have to go poop!" The kind of 'full disclosure' where my son sadly says to my husband, "Dad, I just wish I had a vagina like Ella" and my husband replies with, "No, Paxton, you don't. They're way too much maintenence."

My name is Nicole and this is my life.


Melissa said...

You are beautiful! And Nicole is a lovely name.

I nearly fell out of my chair laughing with your description of the "full disclosure" that occurs in your life. I've heard of penis envy, but...vagina envy?! That's just too much! I love it!!! :) (And I have to say, Steve's response is the best part of it!)

Anonymous said...


Congratulations on coming out! Instead of lurking as usual, I guess I can use your coming out post for myself and make this my first comment on your blog. It seems a little odd leaving a comment because I usually just walk out of my office and tell you how much I enjoyed your latest blog post. Maybe if I got a real job...

In the six months or so of blogging, I remember only one reference to your name and it was in the comments, so I'm not surprised that most people didn't know it.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and I love you.


Melissa said...

Your husband is so awesome.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your wit and sense of humor are magnetic! Thank you. You are so beautiful, inside and out. My mom always said, "Beauty is as beauty does" and believe me, you does! I feel so deeply blessed to be your mother and your children's Noni. Your love for each other and Christ, is very contagious.

Celeste Creates said...

YEAH, I finally know! And to think it was my daughter's name all along. And I never would have found it in the comments.
The picture of you is lovely.

Of course, I don't know that knowing your name helps my husband. You see, not only is my daughter named Nicole, but also a good friend of mine from our homeschool group. Now I would have to clarify which one. So now it would have to be, "No, dear, the blogging Nicole." Maybe we will stick with, "You know, the one who wears black."


Enjoyed the suspense and also enjoy knowing a little more about the special person I enjoy communicating with.

He who wears the most black wins. said...

You are all WAY too good to me. :) Thanks so much for the sweet comments.

There is something to be said for knowing someone's name, even if you never use it. Now, you can all call me 'friend' with even more ease.


I smile to myself every time you talk about Nicole. I love that we share a name. ;) Is her middle name Marie too?


Vagina envy is a very real thing; most commonly found in 4 1/2 year old boys, and can strike at any moment. That is when it is trememdously helpful to have a trained professional (aka a Daddy) on hand to 'keep it real'. You give us a call if you ever run into this debilitating crisis. It can ruin lives if left untreated.



Thanks for saying that. 'You does' too. ;)


You light up my world and make this crazy, exciting house even more fun. You're such an amazing dad and I can't wait to read MORE comments from 'The One Who Shares The Home of Full Disclosure'. Does that mean that your new handle is TOWSTHOFD? Whoa.

Incidentally, I love that your new website happens to be the same as the Republican National Committee. :) Ah.....to be on the Right side feels good, doesn't it?

Celeste Creates said...

Yes, too cool.

Nicole Marie, it is!

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog via Melissa's blog (which has been a wonderful source of inspiration). I'm glad I did! What a funny post. I also read back a few posts and LOVE the 'playing fair' entry. As a 'big family in training' (just three so far, but God-willing many more) I love to feel not so isolated in my desire for more than the 'normal' number of children, and validated in my beliefs that STUFF is not what kids need. They need what all of the wonderful moms like you and the ones that post here provide- God, love, family, siblings...all the truly good things in life.
Thanks for letting me stop by and get a glimpse into your life!
