Monday, February 19, 2007

It's official. We have a "Pat".

We had our ultrasound today. You know, the one where you get to see the baby, ooo and goo over what a perfect head and spine he or she has, find out the sex if you want to and laugh/cry about that TWO QUARTS (that's 8 cups, people. 8 cups!) of water you had to hold in your bladder so that they could take a perfect picture of your cervix? Well, it went really well.

No, we didn't find out the sex. I must admit, when we decided not to find out with Shepherd I still snuck a peek. I tried not to, but I just....well, I just did. And I was pretty sure I knew. Steve didn't know. And I didn't really know for sure. So technically, it was still very much a surprise. That was so cool.

I haven't been willing to acknowledge just how good at reading those ultrasounds I am. Steve let the tech know right away today and he maneuvered perfectly. So, this time? I have NO IDEA. I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was REALLY looking today. Hard. Still nothing. I found a perfect head, perfect and full lips, Steve's chin, and a beautifully shaped, four chambered heart. I saw my husbands long toes, some LONG legs that can only come from my Papa Mac, and a stomach that was dark and full, meaning our precious baby is swallowing fluid and digesting like a champ. The baby's hand was tucked perfectly underneath his or her chin, like Rodin's "The Thinker". Shepherd was flipping us off in his ultrasound, so this was an improvement. Yes, you read that right. We have the close up photo to prove it.

It's been such a great day. I've worked out, seriously exercised my bladder, had an ultrasound, seen our baby, had some one on one time/a mini-date with my husband, driven my brother out to look at the property we're building on, taken a wonderfully long nap with Ella sleeping right next to me, and caught up on all the news.

Tonight I think I'll make some dinner and spend some time with my beautiful family; just me, Steve, Paxton, Ella, Shepherd, and "Pat".


Christy said...

Ahhh, so exciting. I loved my ultrasound days! So happy that things are moving along as they should. I wonder if you'll be having a boy or girl....

Melissa said...

How AWESOME! I cannot believe you are already at the ultrasound point of your pregnancy! I'm so glad to hear everything went well. (We never intended to find out the sex during any of my pregnancies, either...but I, too, guessed accurately with Dylan and Caitlyn. It was just so hard to NOT look!) I'm so excited for you guys!

Celeste Creates said...

Have fun not knowing! It is a fun treat! It is hard to believe we will be finding out who this little person is really soon (I hope)!

Bless you all!

Anonymous said...

So Steve's got your number:) No more peeking. Honestly I don't think I could hold out. Back in the "old days" I didn't have a choice. No ultra sound, no advance peek. That was exciting too.

Number 4 is just as exciting as Number 1 for this Grandma!

Jill said...

By the time I was done having ultrasounds with the boys (twins get a ton), I found myself saying to the tech, "Oh look! There's the liver on Baby A!" So, I think this time around I won't be able to avoid knowing. But, let's face it. I would make them tell me anyway. I'm terrible with surprises!
So, it will be fun to have some surprises around here that I can partake in. :)
And I like what the 'grandma' said. The grandparents around here are going just as goo-goo for this baby as they did with the first. My mother-in-law can't even wait for the ultrasound so she already went out and bought Christmas sweaters. Two. One for a boy and one for a girl. :)

I'm glad everything looks good with Patricia. Or Patrick.