Monday, September 17, 2007

Introducing..... Jethro.

Shepherd was a total champ. Our day went something like this: Drug Shepherd up with a prescribed dose of tylenol with codeine. Drive to chiropractor to get Mommy back to her full head turn capacity so she can resume doing "the sprinkler" while dancing at all those parties she doesn't go to, while Uncle Kellen plays with drunk Shepherd and lovingly holds bobble head baby Roan. Load babies back up and head to Dentist. Dentist (aka VERY good friend Dr. T, or Miss Carrie) tickles baby Shepherd while Uncle Kellen holds him and Mommy and Baby Roan step outside the room to hit the x-ray button each time Dr. T yells "Take it!" Dr. T. looks at pics while we visit and concludes that, yes, indeed that tooth will turn black. It will NOT fall out on its own however. We would just have to watch for infection. We decide together that for all parties involved it would be easier to just let go. We said goodbye and mourned the premature loss of the baby tooth. Uncle Kellen exited to the lobby with a very sleepy bobble headed baby Roan and Mommy climbed up in the chair, held drunken Shepherds arms against her, and helped Dr. T distract him with a hot pink plastic fish. The fish was funny. Really funny. Funny enough that he looked up and underneath him came The Pliers.

It took all of about 1.6 seconds for her to pull the tooth. He cried, I guazed, all was well. For lunch he ate two biscuits and promptly slept for almost three hours. He is back to his feisty, hilarious, loud self. Bruiser is still Bruiser. He's just going to be a toothless Jethro sort of Bruiser for the next four to five. Hey....maybe we should look into gold. I'd hate to see him get mugged for his tooth though.

I will blog more later. It's been too long and our lives have been busier than I care to continue


Anonymous said...

I notice Bruiser still has that incredible smile going on...Amazing! Job well done by Bruiser, Mommy, Uncle Kellen and Dr. T. Ah, Life, what a ride! Love to all.

Anonymous said...

LOL.....such a precious smile.
Bruiser, you are one exciting member of this family. Thanks to Uncle Kellen for being such a good baby sitter. You are lucky to have eachother to count on.
And you Mommy, you are a champion.
Hugs and Kisses to all...

Anonymous said...

Well Shepherd has made his mark. First one to loose a tooth. He certainly doesn't look like he lost his twinkle. What a cute smile.

Love to all, Grandma

Melissa said...

Oh, man! I clicked over this morning to ask how little Shepherd did at the dentist. I'm glad you posted. What an experience! It sounds like you handled it extremely well, but still. That HAD to have been rough.

For what it's worth, Shepherd is absolutely adorable! I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating...I am SO GLAD you've decided to start sharing pictures!

Much love to you, dear friend, and to your tough little Bruiser! And thank you, so much, for the happy, happy comment you left in response to my announcement yesterday! I am so lucky to have you for a friend.

Michelle said...

Oh, poor guy. Poor mom. Maybe his big tooth will grow in sooner? I guess you'll get used to him with that big gap. Or you could move to West Virginia and fit right in?

One Boys Mom said...

And I say he still looks so cute!

Celeste Creates said...

That has got to be one of the cutest little faces I've seen even without his tooth. He is such a cutie. Reminds me in so many ways of Andrew.

It sounds like things went ok. It is not easy, I know, especially with a teeny baby. Not too long after Michael was born Nicole fell and split her earlobe open. I had to nurse Michael AND put pressure on her earlobe AND direct lunch from the sofa while waiting for Brian to get home. I know the Lord knows what I can handle, but he never ceases to surprise me!

Much love to you and like Melissa said, so glad for all the photos. We are so greedy!