Saturday, September 15, 2007

Proof that it's a good idea to make sure you are friends with at least one dentist.

Shepherd ran toward me. He tripped over the carpet. He fell onto the coffee table. His tooth broke his fall. No, no it's not chipped, cracked, or broken. It's just resting comfortably from whence it came. Back up inside his gum. The plans I had for Monday? Yeah, nevermind. We'll be sitting comfortably in Dr. T's chair--likely having that tooth pulled out. 

And to think I was nervous about Paxton loosing his first tooth sometime this year because he's a Kindergartner now. I should have guessed Bruiser would be first. 

And you shouldn't worry. Shepherd only cried for a minute, took a couple big swigs of water and then commenced enjoying his quesadilla. 

Pain tolerance? High. Risk awareness? Low.


Christy said...

EeeeK! So stressful! Those are the kind of injuries that really make us have to be strong, so WE don't freak our kids out. I must say that he is still adorable, even with his tooth as it is. What a cute little bruiser.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, our little peanut is soooooo tuff and precious. May you all have an accident free Sunday.
Sending hugs and kisses to Prentice 6..........

Jill said...

I like the name Bruiser. :)
Sounds like it fits him pretty well. You'll have lots of stories to tell when he's older.
What an adorable and tough little guy.

Celeste Creates said...

I hope everything goes well with the dentist. What a crazy thing to happen. He is like my third, Andrew. He is a bruiser too. He falls down, gets up, grunts, rubs his bobo and then he is off! And Nicole fell once upon a time and chipped her tooth on a plastic tea cup. Go figure!

Prayers and blessings dear one!