Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Is it okay to cry now?

Paxton and Ella's first day of school was today. 

My big, five year old kindergardener let go of my hand and reached out for his new teacher's. He was timid, nervous and uncertain. His sister, on the other hand, my little three year old preschooler, let go of my hand and RAN for her teacher's. We all (Steve, myself, Paxton, Shepherd and Roan) walked Ella into her classroom to show her her desk, and familiarize her with the room. I began with, "Okay, now, Ella, let's find your name and put your things.." when she interrupted me. "Okay, bye!!!", she cheerfully exclaimed. 

We left Ella's room and made our way down to Paxton's classroom. He held tightly to my hand as Steve, the babies and I walked him down the hall. I glanced back over my shoulder to see Ella already completely comfortable and playing happily with the other children.
Paxton kept his head down and his posture suggested a little fear. His teacher (who is a good friend and in one of my prayer groups) came right over and welcomed him. She even suggested a 'photo op', which delighted my heart. I wanted to cry right then, as I lifted the camera to take a picture of my son at his first big boy desk with his new teacher. 

Roan was in the bjorn, Shepherd was in Steve's arms. It felt like the end of an era. We were about to say goodbye and go home with only two children--leaving two others behind.

This is our first day.

By the way, you can see Roan's godmother (my good friend who just had her baby last Monday that I blogged about) in one of these shots. She's the other mom, with the newborn baby (my new GODSON!) in the Bjorn. That's her son, walking right behind Paxton for HIS first day of Kindergarden. Her other son was happily playing right alongside Ella for HIS first day of three year old Preschool. :)



Christy said...

just can't get enough of this new habit of yours! love these pics.

It is so sweet to see them all dressed up and ready to learn. :)

Melissa said...

This post made ME want to cry! I was wondering if they had started school yet...I am SO glad you included pictures of their first day!

Yesterday was our first official day of homeschooling. I THINK it went well...but, because I love you, I don't mind admitting to you that when I saw these super sweet pictures of your kiddos in their new big kid school, it made me wonder if I'm doing the right thing. I'm pretty sure homeschooling is the right thing for our family right now. And who knows? One day that may change. I can see, though, that your kids are going to LOVE going to their school. It looks and sounds like such a wonderful place! :)

Watching our babies grow up sure is bittersweet, isn't it?

Celeste Creates said...

Yes, you may cry as long as I can too! Whether it be homeschooling or traditional schooling, it is all one big series of difficult "letting go's". I get teary eyed every time I remember Jacob is a big first grader. Thanks for the sharing and all the wonderful photos. I hope their first week (and yours) is a wonderful one!

Jill said...

Um, yeah. If I'm about to cry just looking at the photos and reading your blog, then I'm pretty sure it's ok for you to cry!!
All the milestones in life...