Thursday, September 27, 2007

Good Foundations.

Many of you know that I am actually in two different scripture study women's groups. One I started in my own town that we are calling an Elizabeth Group, and a less formal one in a neighboring town. I am sure, not long from now, I will have to limit myself to only attending the one here, in my own town. But, I have grown so close to all of the women, sharing very intimate prayer requests and details about my life that I can't imagine severing that close connection. My current life is proof that all those prayerful friends are powerful. So, I'll keep up with the two different bible studies/Catholic life book clubs two Saturday mornings a month for now. We'll just revisit that one later. For now, I need the time for just me, to improve Nicole.

It was my job to pick the next book for one of the groups and bulk order it. Ten books arrived yesterday. Ten amazing books that are going to knock all of our socks off. Michaelann Martin's Women of Grace. It's a bible study for married women. In the preface she speaks of many stay- at-home moms becoming isolated and lonely.

Michaelann writes, "They fall prey to watching daytime television as their only source of education and affirmation. Games shows tend to trivialize life, soap operas fill us with romantic notions that breed dissatisfactions with our so called "hum-drum" lives, and talk shows give a false sense of success when we view ourselves in light of all the train wrecks in others' lives. All of them give a disproportionate view of life, without even coming close to addressing the real reason that we are all here in the first place: to know, love, and serve God in this life in order to be with Him in the next."

We turned off cable in our house almost three years ago. We still have a television to watch movies, but no direct t.v. It has benefited the kids, I believe, but mostly it has benefited me. I am the one who got addicted to watching others lives instead of living my own. In Psychology classes they'll refer to what Michaelann is talking about as using "downward counterfactuals." That means looking at others' train wrecks and believing that you're "doing pretty well". "See? I could be that lady!"

That doesn't help anyone. Ever. We never grow when we always compare ourselves to what or who is "worse". We are supposed to be looking up, looking at what's better, emulating those whom we see as doing better--having true happiness.  "I may be a drunk, but at least I'm not on the streets." "I may babysit my kids with the t.v. all day, but at least I'm not swearing at them." " I may scream at my kids all the time but at least I don't beat them." " I may never exercise, but at least I don't smoke." Okay, you're getting the point.

So, back to this book...It's going to be phenomenal. Mrs. Martin recommends reading Galatians 5:22-25 and Catechism, no. 1832, before beginning. After reading them, now I am so anxious to get started!

In other news, my beautiful husband has been out of town for four days now. Four LONG days. It doesn't just feel like it should be Saturday already, it feels like it should be NOVEMBER already. I miss him SO much. The early mornings and evenings are the hardest times for me. For obvious reasons. I am used to operating solo all day but having nobody around in the evenings makes the sprint at the end of the marathon particularly grueling. Come home soon, Love. We all miss Daddy. Just two more days to go.



Celeste Creates said...

Nicole, I know so how you feel about needing to improve ourselves and look higher - God, Mary, the Saints. That sounds like a wonderful study!

And oh, how those evenings are soooooo hard. I feel for you sister!

Much love,

Jill said...

Thinking of you.
No deep thoughts, too tired.
Just thinking and praying.