Monday, June 12, 2006

bring it.

What a crazy day we have already had and it is only 2:45pm. I dropped Paxton off at a friend's this morning so that Ella, Shepherd and I could make a "costco run". I am sure you are all familiar with what that is. SIX HUNDRED THIRTEEN DOLLARS AND NINETY TWO CENTS LATER, I had what I needed and both kids were still alive. Now it was time to buckle up, drive to the gas station, stop, get gas, feed Shepherd, get Ella a snack and something to drink, buckle up, drive home, drop Ella and Shepherd off, put them down for naps, go get Paxton and deliver some frozen chicken to said friend who kept Paxton.

All was well and Paxton was in the car. By now, I was feeling tired. I know. Shocker. So...while Paxton is gazing out the window, looking as pooped as I felt, I asked the following questions and here were his answers;

Me: "Are you tired?"

Paxton: "No"

Me: "Do you think you need a nap?"

Paxton: "No"

Me: "Do you want to take a nap in Mom's bed?"

Paxton: "No"

Me: "Do you want to just lay down and take a rest and play your Thomas video?"

Paxton: "No"

Me: ---audible sigh and long pause--------

Paxton (turning to look at me now): "Are you all outta ideas?"

Me : "Yep"

So....Paxton is still awake and I am still tired. Damn kids who outgrow naps.

1 comment:

One Boys Mom said...

Pax sounds like such a big boy.