Friday, June 23, 2006

Literary tidbits

Another fabulous excerpt:

" Patience is faith in action. Patience is emotional diligence. It's the willingness to suffer inside so that others can grow. It reveals love. It gives birth to understanding. Even as we become aware of our suffering in love, we learn about ourselves and our own weakness and motives.

So, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, "We must never, never, NEVER give up!" No matter how far we feel we have gotten off track, we can always take steps to correct the course. Our children are bone of our bone, flesh of our flesh. We will and must reclaim them, always. As a friend of mine likes to title her blog, " The journey" is what matters, not just the destination. Contrary to popular myth, the destination DOES matter too. Whoever we are, we are a part of some family. And family love is in a league of it's own.

Thank you once again, Stephen R. Covey.

I am really digging this book, obviously. We had a rather longish day today. I had an all-day training session at Crossroads regarding abstinence training and counseling. Grammy Vivian took the the kids to the aquatic center for almost six hours! And, of course, no trip to the aquatic center is complete without floaties, barbie life jackets, your favorite colored (orange and pink) beach towel, sugary slurpies and hotdogs. Oh, and maybe a teensy bit of sunscreen thrown on for good measure. They were SO excited and had such a good time. Steve and I have GOT to start getting into swimming and shit like that. I loathe bathing suits. I just need to suck it up, or "suck it in" rather and do it for my kids.

Steve's 28th birthday was yesterday and he is in the kitchen singing right now. It is SO cute. It goes something like this...ahem..."It's my birthday and now it's not, so I think I'll eat some blue and white cake..." "with frosting in the middle and a bit on the top and on the backside, Yeah! It's really kind of good, but it could be better cuz it's butter cake and that's really hard to make from scratch. ....Yeah!" It's really quite a shame that you can't hear the amazing level of tone deafness that Steve embodies. Anyway, he is 28 now and for some reason, I have a feeling that this is going to be a really good year.

I have been so tired lately and Shepherd hasn't been sleeping well at all. I had my thyroid checked and all is well. So, what the hell. I guess I might just actually be tired from getting up with a six month old upwards of four times a night right now. What's making it more difficult is that the boys are sharing a room now, so when one wakes up so does the other. We'll get this thing figured out soon enough I suppose. I happen to think it's quite good for children to share rooms. Call me old fashioned. Call me cheap. Call me a proponent of child labor.

I am off to bed now. Steve is golfing ALL day tomorrow so I need to rest up! It's time to pick the cherries in the backyard and I am going to have to do a lot of management and supervising while the kids are on those ladders getting the high ones for me.

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