Sunday, June 25, 2006

A full bowl.

Oh, Grandparents. Grandparents are so important, aren't they? They're important when we're small children because they either supplement our parents leadership and discipline or they just spoil us rotten. Sometimes both.

I have found this strange occurrence as of late that my Grandparents, and large part of the rest of my family too, have failed to grasp the fact that I neither want nor need them to discipline me or spoil me. I am grown now and have children of my own that need supplemental spoiling and disciplining. It is so strange. This thing about growing up. I am almost 27 years old now and I feel like I am still trying to explain to most of my family members (excluding my immediate family obviously) that I am a "Big Girl" now, leading my own little family with my husband, paying my own bills, having my own house to clean and take care of, and my own children's needs to put before my own. I raise children, volunteer, and take care of our home. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to (as my mother likes to say) pull up my big girl panties and get over it. End of diatribe.

I feel like I am stuck in that whole rock and hard place cliche' right now. I prayed for God to bring more support to us, more Godly families to encircle our family, more strength and a stronger desire for us to lead our children in faith. Now, I find that we are SO BUSY doing thing and being invited to go places with these wonderful Godly people that I am getting tired! Knock and it shall be opened unto you! Our social calendar is already full most of the week and, for the rest of the summer, is mostly full on the weekends too. When am I supposed to praise God and say 'Thank you', and when am I supposed to say, 'enough'? God put these children into our lives for a reason, didn't he? Aren't we supposed to be good stewards of our time and money? I'll just keep truckin'. Er....praying, I mean.

I picked cherries from our two cherry trees yesterday. I filled FOUR boxes and there are still a ton of cherries on the trees. We felt like Santa Claus today, dropping bags of cherries off on doorsteps across two towns. It makes me smile just thinking about it. I was high in the ladder yesterday and found myself saying prayers of thanks many times. I just kept thinking about how blessed we are that we have this beautiful and fresh fruit right out our back door. Just some trees planted. To nourish. To provide. If time were tough for us right now, we could just walk out our back door and have cherries for dinner. Our bowls are certainly half full, never half empty.

Incidentally, I only fell off the ladder once yesterday. I looked around quickly, darting my eyes left to right. It's okay. Nobody saw me. Tip for the day: cherry tree limbs cannot hold a 140+ pound, arm-flailing woman. Do not attempt to try.

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