Monday, June 05, 2006

Good time had by all

Well, we're back from Nashville. It was wonderful. We did a lot. We played a lot. We slept a lot. We ate a lot. We drove a lot. We read the paper a lot (okay, I read the paper a lot). We nursed Shepherd A LOT. My nipples have never quite felt like the personal chew toy of another human being before, like they do now. Anything to get through layovers, take-offs, landings and time changes. It was worth it. He can chew on my nipples anytime he wants if it means that I can take a week off from every other household chore!

Steve and I have been catching up today on emails, laundry, housework, watering plants...etc. I think I am on load five of laundry. Just a few minutes ago I was in the laundry room, folding, when the phone rang. It was my brother-in-law. He said, "Hey! How was your trip?" I say, "Great! It's good to be back too. I missed the kids." He says, "What are you up to?" I say, "Oh, you know, just doing ton of laundry...Reaping what I sow". He says, " You sewed some laundry while you were gone?" Ohhhhh......Heavens. He's cute. He is so nice. He also thinks that I made up the word "gelatinous".

I didn't miss the kids until about day three of our trip and even then it was a forced yearning. But man, when we were killing time on Sunday, waiting for our 7p.m. flight out of TN, I was REALLY missing them. We couldn't get to Moses Lake fast enough this morning to get them! We pulled up and Ella, yes Ella, came RUNNING to the van with the biggest, sweetest smile on her face. It was so precious. It felt so good. She jumped into Steve's arms and then mine for big hugs. Paxton was so excited that he couldn't stay in the hiding spot that he had so cleverly picked out. ( He has a habit of giggling during hide and seek, so I don't know what in the world made him think he could pull THIS off, this a moment of pure exhilaration to see his MOM AND DAD AND BABY BROTHER) After that, I don't know who was more excited, them or us.They kept coming in for bear hugs and kisses. Both of them jumped up on the chair next to me at different time and wanted to hold and kiss Shepherd. Paxton was tickling him and singing "rock-a-bye baby" to him. Does it get any sweeter than that? I ask you?

Steve and I loved that when we left this year for "our" vacation, the kids had each other. It is so comforting to know that they are each others "lovey's". Some kids have a doll, some have blankies, some have strange sock puppets. Our kids have each other. That one constant that keeps telling you, over and over again, "I'm here, reminding you of home, of our family." I love that they kiss and hug each other and that when Ella pounds Paxton over the head and immediately says, "Sorry Paxy", he looks at her and says, "It's okay Boo-Boo, I 'give' you".

Icing on the cake? Having your housekeeper house-sit for you. What do housekeepers do when they get bored? Yep, CLEAN. This house is Sparkling. She organized MY FREEZER! Who does that?! Just when I was thinking I was paying her too much. Now I sort of feel like I owe her $60.00 every two weeks...and maybe a kidney or some other useful organ too.

I hear that the dryer has stopped. Must press on. Must fold more laundry. That is the nature of the vacationing beast. Off to reap what I, sew some laundry. Either way, it'll suck.

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