Friday, September 29, 2006

On my knees, in praise and thanks.

Last night, Mr. Bereit single handedly DOUBLED our funds raised from last year. He was amazing. I really would not do it justice to try to capture in words what he brought to our little pro-life community last night. I still feel a bit speechless.

I was motivated, moved, and humbled. It was a call to action. It was a call to step outside of our comfort zones. It's easy to write a check, or say a quick prayer and wash your hands. It is not easy to do what we should be doing, what we are called to do by the Good Shepherd Himself, to take care of His flock, those that are weaker and more vulnerable than we.

Our director, a board member and I got to have lunch with David before the banquet and talk with him a bit, asking him what we could do right here in our little community. He had some wonderful ideas that you will be hearing about here and there in the future as we start to implement them. :)

I was so happy last night to be surrounded by Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Mormons, and Christians; people who have different doctrines and don't always see eye to eye. But, all were people who know that this is the greatest American tragedy and, as my Uncle Jim (who was a spy for the CIA and worked directly with the Russian KGB) says, quite frankly, is a bigger threat than communism.


Melissa said...

What an amazing experience! I'm so excited for you and look forward to hearing more about your continued efforts. May God bless them abundantly!

Michelle said...

YES! The long-term ramifications of abortion are horrendous and staggering. The longer we tolerate the killing of children, the more desensitized we become to the sacredness of all life and the more willing we become to "eliminating" any human who is a problem - from the elderly to the handicapped and then, eventually, to those who are "inferior" in other ways. The Nazis managed to desensitize a country, very quickly, to the killing of Jews. It all began with dehumanizing them, much as we have dehumanized the unborn.

You go girl. My previous comments were not intended as judging YOU as judgmental...merely to point out that there are plenty of pro-life zealots who don't stand in front of abortion clinics for many reasons. We are called to serve in many ways. I am thankful for people like you who can do your kind of service.