Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Top Ten

10. The amount of times I picked something out of Shepherd's mouth today.

9. The times I check my blog to see if someone posted on it--just to have some human contact!

8. The daily occurrences of me having to break up fights between Paxton and Ella over who gets to open the door or sit on the toilet first.

7. The loads of laundry I did today.

6. The big glasses of ice water I have had today.

5. The weeks on my calendar that are booked SOLID.

4. The amount of dishtowels this family goes through in any given day.

3. The amount of people in my life that actually rsvp to ANYTHING.

2. The Hail Mary's we managed to get through successfully during our "family decade" this evening.

1. The amount of fabulous husbands I have....and always will.

My life is busy. My life is blessed. My life can be summed up in a top ten list.


Melissa said...

Oh, my goodness...change the names, and it's just like reading about MY life!

We're so wonderfully blessed.

Hope you're having a great day today!

Anonymous said...

idle hands are the devil's workshop. Look at it this way, you are single-handedly putting him out of business. Yeah!