Thursday, June 28, 2007

Nicole: The Putterer.

That's me. I am officially a "putterer".

How much longer can this continue?! Am I in labor or am I not? Day four and counting.


Melissa said...

Don't worry: you'll know when you are! In the meantime, may I offer just one tiny bit of completely ridiculous advice? Maybe just...try not to think about it so much. Your body will do it's job! I know it seems like such an agonizingly LONG process, but before you know it, you'll be holding that precious baby in your arms! Try to enjoy these final moments before your world turns upside down. Rest when you can, walk and drink water when you can't, and don't forget to give lots of special attention to the eager big siblings...AND their mommy and daddy! Pamper yourself a little! Get romantic! Let Steve give you foot and back rubs. You are SO CLOSE!

Much love to you, Nicole. Wish I could be there to help!

He who wears the most black wins. said...


Such good advice, sweet friend. Thank you. I AM going to just try to relax and not worry about it at all. My body will know what to do when the time is right.

A long nap and some light walking is in order for the day--and some spring rolls too. :) I love that rice paper, cilantro and peanut sauce!!!!

I wish you were here, too!

Celeste Creates said...

I can't wait! The suspense is killing me! There is nothing like the suspense of those last days. Is it going to be this half a second or the next???? What was that pain? Is that new??

YOu are truly blessed. I know it will all go so well. I am praying for you. I can't wait for you to experience the joy and fun of four.

Celeste Creates said...
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Anonymous said...

I just googled "The Putterer" in order to find a good link for my tumblr page, and I came across your blog. I just wanted to let you know you have company. I am 3 to 4 centimeters dialated and 50% effaced and have been for about ten days. Contractions come sporadically, usually at night, but they are never "longer, stronger, or close together." It's hard to be this patient with your body and not lose your head every time you think real labor might finally be happening. I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone, and that I was g;ad to come across your blog, because it makes me feel less alone, too.