Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This just in.

This came today in an update that I recieved from the American Life League:

Last week, Planned Parenthood quietly issued its latest annual report. As always, the report was packed with lies about its “mission” to provide “quality health care” to women.

The one big truth in the 20-page report is that it got a total of $305,300,000 in free tax-funding last year. That’s a whopping 11.95% increase over the $272,700,000 it got the year before.

Let’s put that $305,300,000 in two equally important perspectives:

Perspective #1: Last year, Planned Parenthood surgically aborted over 264,943 preborn babies. As a ratio to the funds it gets on the government dole, that’s $1,152 for each baby torn apart in the womb!

Perspective #2: During the same year, the top five national pro-life organizations continued to receive exactly ZERO dollars in government funding. In the first six months of 2007, our own contributions are $160,000 behind the same point last year. And we’re the number one enemy of Planned Parenthood!

Dear Lord, thank you for the beautiful life in my womb and thank you for the work of these pro-life organizations who operate without pay, government tax dollars, or recognition for the MILLIONS of lives they save. Please continue to bless them and their efforts until Roe v. Wade is finally overturned.


Melissa said...


What sickening statistics...I had never seen it broken down quite that way.

God bless you, Nicole, and your testimony to LIFE.

Not much longer for you to go, now! How have you been feeling these days? (I feel so dumb asking that...the obvious answer is "I FEEL READY TO HAVE THIS BABY!"...but I ask in all seriousness, anyway). Everything still looking good? No last trimester complications?

Rest often, dear friend, while you can. And, I know I've said it before, but DRINK LOTS OF WATER! You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I am so excited for the big day to arrive!

He who wears the most black wins. said...


Oh, dear sweet friend, you are too good to me.

I am feeling a bit crowded and somewhat whiny these days. I'm in the homestretch, though, so I'm trying to keep my chin up. :)

And... for the record, I nauseate most everyone I know and love by how many times I lecture about water drinking. I am the #1 allstar water drinker. I definitely get the award. Seriously. Worry no more. ;) Doesn't it just make you want to cry when you see someone reach for a pop, out of thirst, when you know their body is SCREAMING for water? Don't get me started!

Jill said...

Hey Nicole-
Thanks for the comment on my blog. You actually do have the big three excuses I'm pulling out! :)
I had to laugh at the water thing you and Melissa are talking about. My four-year-old jokes about how much water I drink. "You must be really pregnant," she says. "You have two glasses tonight." (I even drink 1-2 HUGE glasses of water throughout the night and my children always find my water glasses sitting on top of my night stand. In fact, if I don't regularly carry them down and they accumulate, my husband says, "Are the glasses having their annual convention again?")
Anyway, your stats on Planned Parenthood are interesting and sad. I found myself repeating them to my husband. I love it when I sound 'with it.' :) (But, he already knew. He stays quite in-tune with pro-life causes.)
Can't wait to hear baby news from you soon. I love having someone on this journey with me. With three February babies, this summer pregnancy thing is new to me. Haven't gotten into a maternity swim suit yet. We'll see about that one!