Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Added to the list.

Now my precious 17 month old can also say "No way!", "hat", "balloon", and "Thank you!".

What's that you asked? Can he say "Mommy"? Um, yeah. No.

Again, if I were the sensitive type I might take this personally. Thank goodness I am always calm, cool, collected and very rational about these sorts of things. Yes, thank goodness. Now, if you'll pass me the tissue..


Melissa said...

I'm just impressed at how much he DOES say! Meghan's "milk", "more", and "mom" all sort of sound the same, but I can USUALLY differentiate between the three when taken in context. Her favorite word right now is "WHOA!", usually exclaimed in a very loud, dramatic way with a facial expression to match. It is so dang cute! She doesn't really say much else, though: Dyl, brother, dada...I think that's about it!

I'd love to see her and Shepherd conversing. Wouldn't it just be a riot? :)

Jill said...

I'm pretty sure my daughter said, 'dirt' before she said Mommy. ;)

Christy said...

He is so brilliant that he is saving the word for an important moment... he probably practices it when you are not around. :)