Sunday, May 28, 2006

It's Sunday Six time again.

1. Why do we celebrate Memorial Day?

P cuz we like to. Cuz it's fun.
E think ... think because Noni's coming over

2. How do we celebrate Memorial Day?

P I don't know.
E um. nothing, no.

3. What is a memory?

P hmmm....remembering?
E um, nothing.

4. What is your best memory?

P A firetruck! I remember when it lifts the ladder up in the sky!
E no answer. We tried.

5. What do we cook when we BBQ?

P pancakes
E hot dogs!

6. Where is your favorite place to BBQ?
P Right inside! (lots of laughter and exclamations of what a joker he is..)
E um, picnics

1 comment:

One Boys Mom said... BBQ pancakes?? :)