Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Pink Popcorn.

We're back!

We (Paxton and Ella and I) got back last night and were soon thereafter greeted by Grandma and Grandpa delivering baby Shepherd. Um, he grew. He was HUGE! We missed him so much and it was so sweet to see how excited he was to be around his big brother and sister again.

It was sad to leave Daddy in San Diego and even sadder to come home to the empty refridgerator that would need to be filled and the mountain of dirty clothes that would need to be laundered. But trudge on we did. I picked up the dog, washed the clothes, got Paxton to preschool and back, had photos developed for the kids, and returned phone calls and emails. 41 to be exact. Man, we're popular people when we're unavailable!

We had an amazing time. Arguably one of the best family vacations yet. We went to SeaWorld, Legoland, Coronado, the Beach, The Mission Basilica, ate wonderful sushi (even the kids), swam in the pool, and laughed a lot. We drank water, applied sunscreen, and then drank more water. I walked slowly. Very slowly. Much like a sumo wrestler or a three toed sloth. That, my friends, must be a combination of late pregnancy and heat. It reminded me of all the Bahamians we met on our honeymoon in Nassau. They, too, walked very slowly. They were dressed up, looking wonderful and professional, and walking VERY SLOWLY. I am assuming there could be a potential chafing issue if one is not careful in hot weather like that. I think someone said that San Diego was having some kind of heat wave. It was awesome. Beautiful. And hot.

Any parent knows that no family vacation is complete without someone vomiting. This time? The lucky girl? That'd be Ella. She was vomiting throughout one night and one day and fought a fever so high ( we didn't have a thermometer to tell us just how high) that she started hallucinating. She was completely confused, hot, and laughing about pink popcorn. Pink popcorn. It was 2 a.m, and our 3 year old was naked, jumping up and down on the bed, reaching for pink popcorn.

After one final episode of vomiting, at the Basilica very near a beautiful life-size statue of the Pieta no less, she recovered beautifully. She was required to follow our strict guidelines for the remainder of the trip. Hat. Sunscreen. Purchased insulated toddler cup from Target. Gatorade and water. Lots of it. Little walking. Ella and I were a pair. Me, waddling through legoland, and her, sucking down grape gatorade like it was going out of style. Both of us peeing about every ten minutes for two very different reasons. The boys had a great time on rollercoasters and Miss Ella and I had some great talks. Afterall, what can two people do who are either too short or too pregnant to enjoy most of the fun rides? We did have a great time though. We reallly did.

It's good to be home. There really is no place like it. Although, maybe I'm calling it home too quickly. Upon entering every elevator on our trip, Ella needed to say to anyone who was already on or about to get on, " Hi. I'm Ella. I'm three." To which they would usually reply, " Hi, Ella."

But one lovely woman said, "Hi, Ella! You're three? That's cool! Where do you live, Ella?"

Ella: a rental.

Down by the river?


Melissa said...

The pictures your words paint never fail to crack me up! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time. It sounds as though you and Miss Ella made quite the pair! How fun. I'd love to have a vacation just like it. (Well, maybe minus the vomiting and hallucinating.)

Pace yourself with all that laundry, love lots on little Shepherd, and keep drinking that water!

Much love to you all. :)

Celeste Creates said...

Way too funny! You have such a knack for telling a story - start a book!!! The next Danielle Bean!

And, yes, take it form the native Houstonian. Chafing can be a problem. Heat bumps too! Hee hee hee.

Jill said...

You take everything in such stride and with a wonderful sense of humor. If I had a daughter near hallucinating and talking about pink popcorn, this anxious mom might not have lived to tell about it. Nor would I have been able to call it one of our best vacations ever. You are amazing!

But, I'm glad it was all a ton of fun for you.