Thursday, August 30, 2007

Adorable Adoration?

This adorable photo, rather, will be the one used as the background for the invitation. Forgive me. I'm a liar. Apparently, our director wanted a cute shot of Roan that made him


Christy said...

I think both are great! The first might be a sleepy shot but he still looks very alive!!

Celeste Creates said...

Alive or dead asleep - still mighty cute!

Celeste Creates said...

Alrighty. I am answering your questions over here on your blog. Thought you might read it sooner and easier. Plus this little photo of little Roan is just too precious not to leave another comment on.

As far as the theft. Go right ahead and steal. That's what friends are for. I know I stole it from someone else. :)

I started Nicole in ballet at 3 1/2 at the other place. It was great and Christian, but now that I see this place, way too serious. I think Nicole doesn't even care about anything but having fun. And yesterday was just so darn much for her! The light in her eyes! Yeah, she loves the pretty leotards and such, but that's just being girlie. Hard for me because I was never very girlie. :) I think the best thing to do is find a place that doesn't allow sleazy clothes and makeup. And a place that doesn't promote suggestive types of dance. There are way too many places like that around here. Just what I want - early lessons in how to be a hussy. Then there are the very nice places.

It is so much fun, if still a lot of work for mom. Go with your heart and you can even just try it for a semester. I bet she will love it. Target has lots of leotards and Payless has great ballet and tap shoes.

Hope this helps. Much love to you and yours. Hope mothering four is a joy. You can always email if you want to.