Thursday, August 30, 2007

I could get used to this.

Okay, I'll admit it. I now LIKE posting photos. It was a big step for me. But, dang it, it's just such an easy way for me to chronicle the changes in our lives. And, it's fun too! I am now over the fear of exploiting my children. They're cute. 

We decided to make a family trip out to the house again tonight to see some of the changes. Steve, working out there all day from his camper, gets to see the change as it happens so, to him, it seems much less dramatic I am sure. To me? Whoa. I swear something major changes every day.

I really try not to get attached to "things" and I am trying to keep myself in check about whether my excitement is about the building process (which I love), the designing process (which I love), the decorating process (which I love), finally having the ability to host many, many people for holiday dinners and Sunday afternoon brunches (which I WOULD love) or whether it's about the house. I don't want it to  be about the house. I want my excitement to remain being about creating something wonderful and beautiful and exciting for my family....and one day? For someone else's family. So I will keep sharing the process with you all. I will just share it because it's....well, it's cool. Really cool. And really fun. 

The end.


Christy said...

I am so very happy that you are posting pictures now, though your writing has always kept me coming. I think a house symbolically represents a lot for us humans and your excitement over the process AND the house are great. To become attached to the house(in the way I think you are referring to) is different than loving it and being excited and thankful about it. It is another way that you can serve God. Really we aren't even supposed to get attached to our children in that sense. They all belong to God and are put into are care by Him. When I see you bowing before your house in a picture I will be worried. If I see you bowing before one of your children in a picture, I will just know that you are cleaning up a mess.

Looking forward to a visit soon!

Celeste Creates said...

What a great comment Christy! That is so well said. I cannot say much more. I think you can love the house itself. It is OK. Can you also leave it behind if you had to? Probably so. I think even as humans, being detached doesnt mean it wouldnt be hard to leave behind something we love (kids, house, friends). But can we do it and still love God above all things? Still maintain a relationship with him if we do lose those things? I think you would.

I LOVE the house. I love looking at houses. I love our house now. And I dream of how our next house will be. We love shopping around. God gave us many things in this life to enjoy. Enjoy!!!!!!

I am so happy you love posting photos! I love that you do because, yes, the kids are so darn cute. Now one of you!

Have blessed day and enjoy you house and your family!

Melissa said...

You always make me smile! And I am SO glad you love posting pictures now! Not only are we, your loyal and loving readers, treated to the sight of your sweet and darling children, but how very neat for you to now have these images in your archives, to look back on one day down the road!

Your house is beautiful, and I love everything that Chrisy and Celeste said. I'm not feeling particularly eloquent yet this morning (it's still just a little too early!) but they said it beautifully. Enjoy the process!

Love you, wish I could be there to see it all in person...

He who wears the most black wins. said...


What a beautiful, generous and spiritually rich comment. Thank you so much, sweet friend. ;) You are so right about everything we have coming Him. Through Him, in Him, and with Him. And you know I was talking about YOUR family when I was saying how much I will love hosting meals in my new house, right? :)


Yes, you're right, I really think I can. After having moved over 9 times in the last 7 years of my life, I can sufficiently say...I can leave it behind. I just have to keep myself in check, you know? Like Christy said, even our children belong to Him and we should be able to leave THEM behind too, if He asks us. EEK!

I LOVE looking at real estate, too! It is so much fun---and I am obviously partial to your particular kind in much of Texas (and Georgia, and Alabama, and Tennessee, and Louisiana, and....) Colonial? Brick? Saltbox? Aged? Heaven on earth to me. Old is the new "new". ;) Our Georgian Colonial proves it! (We sort of stick out like a sore thumb around here where the latest home fashion seems to be stucco...and LOTS of it. In stucco's defense, it looks nice and it holds up to the heat REALLY well. Not that stucco needs a defense.


I wish you were here, too. :) Someday. Hey...We're only three hours from Seattle and two from Spokane! Needing some "Northern Exposure"? Corny, I know. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you, my friend!! I so proud that you are finally enjoying posting pictures! You really encompass the Southern values and Christian way that I have come from. AND, I LOVE the house!!! I love you, too!!

Jill said...

Wow. That house is amazing. And the photos of the kids? Even more amazing. Yes, posting photos is an easy way to talk about what's going on without having to write too much. It works especially well when there is a new baby in the house!
I have a great idea. When the new house is complete you should invite all of your blogging friends over for a housewarming!