Saturday, August 04, 2007

Prayers and lunch!

Women's Prayer Group is this morning. Roan and I will be heading out after I shower AND maybe even curl my hair! Then, we're off to "lunch" with a good friend! I must say, it's getting easier and easier to plan for being out and about. People really are right when they say that adding more children after your third is a "piece of cake". Relatively? It really is. God is so good to us. (Of course, it helps a teeny bit that Roan sleeps 7 hours and last night? He slept 8 hours!)

What more could a girl ask for?


Jill said...

This is all good to hear. :)

Christy said...

I am so glad he is being such a sleeper! At the right time of day too. Wonderful!

Glad to hear things are going so well.
