Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Needs vs. Wants

I enjoyed a full day of Mommy/Roan time yesterday. Grandma took the three oldest for a play day and I headed off to another town an hour away to get all those pre-school clothing supplies  i.e. more uniform polos an khakis, socks for each child, new shoes and new underwear for each child. Fun times. Actually, I really enjoy those things; taking pride in the desire I have to take care of my children's needs, even those that are completely mundane in every way, just as much as Danielle.

While Roan and I were happily strolling in Target yesterday, beginning to miss the other three people who usually accompany us, I overheard this conversation in the toy section.

Nameless mommy: Rachel, Mommy said no. I am not going to buy that.

Rachel: But....I just want to have it!

Nameless mommy: Rachel? Rachel, remember what we talked about last night? About needs vs. wants and about money? Remember? Now, Rachel, what sorts of things do we need?


In Rachel's defense, I think she was a little confused. Sort of like this morning, when Paxton asked me to please read him the book about security. The really "good one". Security? We have a book about security? When did we get a book about security? Oh my gosh, if there's a book in this house that I have never seen before I darn well better find it to make sure it's okay! I was getting frustrated because I just didn't understand.  After much banter, I was finally able to interpret that he was talking about our new book. You know, the one about electricity. 

I didn't understand Paxton and he was being as clear as he possibly could. Children really are so simple, beautiful, innocent and inspiring aren't they? I wouldn't trade this life of piles of dirty laundry, poopy diapers and baths, skinned knees and spilled milk, and exhausted days' ends where I just fall into bed. I keep learning more and more. There is little glory involved in full-time motherhood. But a whole lot of redemption. Every day.

And I need that.


Celeste Creates said...

Redemption, indeed. So well said, dear one. I hope to see a photo of little Roan soon. Can you believe Michael will be 6 months on Friday?

God bless you!

Christy said...

Motherhood is the best! Nothing is more of a joy.

Michelle said...

Hey, I think little Rachel is pretty smart. I want more stuff so you need more money. Pretty basic.

One of my pet peeves is parents who just can't stop reasoning with an unreasonable person. I take my kids shopping all the time and I'm sure people must laugh as they hear me drone "" to the repeated requests. Of course, my kids expect to hear that answer, so there are no tears or anything.