Monday, August 20, 2007

A few of my favorite things...

The windows are open. There is a cool breeze. It's overcast and probably going to rain. The children sleep. I sip coffee and say some prayers. As soon as everyone wakes up we are going on a long walk to pick up some flowers.

Today is my big brother's birthday. He would have been 30 today. Happy Birthday, Jarrod Harrison. The kids and I will be stopping by with some flowers in a few hours.

Long walks, cool breezes, birthdays, Fall and family....these are a few of my favorite things.


Melissa said...

I can feel through your words the tranquility of your morning. I'll be thinking of you and your brother today. Much love to you, friend.

Celeste Creates said...

God bless you, dear one. May your day be filled with much more of the peace and prayers.

Christy said...

A very touching post.. Family is the best, there is nothing like it.