Saturday, December 16, 2006

..and a Penguin cake in a pear tree.

Penguin cake made. Check.

Advent activity to light a candle in a dark room and show the kids just how much Jesus being in our lives can help us out, help us to see in darkness. Check.

Video camera battery charging for hours and hours of taping fun for a certain sweet boy's 1st birthday party. Check.

Worked out for my very first time at Curves this morning. Check. Loved it. Check.

Made an attempt to go to confession tonight. Check. ( It's insane the amount of people that seem to feel unclean ALL at the same time. There were like 20 people waiting in line! I didn't have a chance.) Next week. Check.

In bed by 10:00pm. Check.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! Your writing is so descriptive and vivid I feel like I was there. I hope you post pictures of the cakes you made. They were wonderful!

Christy said...

I did Curves for a while. I loved it too. So glad that you are making time for yourself. I want to see the cake too!

Jill said...

I like the idea of lighting a candle in the dark room. Nice.
Hope you're feeling well!

Melissa said...

You've been busy! It all sounds wonderful. I can't wait to hear all about the birthday party! How cool that we both got to celebrate first birthdays this weekend!