Sunday, December 31, 2006


Wow. That was such a nice break. Not one entirely without guilt, mind you, but nice nonetheless. I checked my favorite peoples' blogs everyday, just didn't quite require the same posting effort of myself. let one's self off the hook.

We have really enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. It's not quite over yet, but as we are drawing near the epiphany I keep thinking and reflecting. I keep thinking about all the new things we did this year. Our little family started some pretty neat traditions and we also got to include some old ones, passed down from our parents and grandparents as well. Tradition is such a beautiful thing isn't it?

Advent was a hit and the kids had a lot of fun. I never really realized before just how important it is to really make the effort to bring tradition and spirituality to their level. To make faith come alive. To make Christ's Peace come alive for them. That is our JOB as parents. If we don't do that for them, who are we to complain when they're questioning the existence of God at the age of 15? Steve and I can't ever be too lazy to be our family's leaders. Even when it's hard. Even when we're tired and discouraged. Even when I am pregnant and overwhelmed. Even when every secular thing around us is saying that the way we're doing it is "crazy", "over the top" or "rigid".

Christmas was beautiful. Despite our entire family being taken down with a nasty case of the flu right in the middle of it all. We tried to keep our spirits up ( I must admit, I faltered a time or two with the whole high spirit thing) and we really tried to keep the focus where it should be. It's funny, even with limiting the gifts to three outside gifts a piece, our kids still have WAY too many toys. We had to go to a Superstore yesterday and buy huge plastic bins just to store everything! We baked, we laughed, we sang, we drove to Noni's house for the weekend and rode on a Horse Drawn carriage in the snow. We played lots of games, we went to Mass, we watched the story of St. Nicholas, we sang happy birthday to Jesus and put him in the manger, we gave gifts, received gifts, and built snow forts. We created really cherished family traditions and memories. I really think it's just going to keep getting better every year.

Along with my children, I learned a few things this season as well. My expectations of myself are too high in a few areas of my life. In others, they aren't high enough. So, my resolution? To let go. I am going to let go ( well pray like crazy and ask for help, because left to my own accord...) of those things which are entirely out of my control and just cause me pain and frustration. I am also going to sit down with Steve tonight ( his idea) and make goals in 7 areas of our lives. Things we'd like to change, but specifically, for me, things I'd like to be better at or to learn. I have been excusing my lack of dedication in certain areas by the fact that I have three+ children, or I volunteer, or I'm tired at the end of the day, get the idea.

One area of renewed dedication; I LOVE Curves. Every woman on the face of the earth should go to Curves. (I promise, I'm not being paid to say that.) Although, I am really feeling like three times a week isn't enough. Anyone have any experience with that? Steve started going to a different gym and we are alternating every other morning.This is another way we realize we need to be leaders of our family. If they don't see us wanting to taking of ourselves every day, why will they?

On hiatus no more, people. Hiatus no more.


Celeste Creates said...

Welcome back, girl! Can't wait to hear more, esp. about goals and just out of my own curiosity what it is you are trying to let go of. Because I feel I am in the same boat.

Melissa said...

So good to hear from you again! I'm glad you've had such a wonderful holiday, and I hope you're all feeling better!

Christy said...

Welcome back my friend. :) I am so glad that you had such a satisfying Christmas! Miss you.