Thursday, December 14, 2006

reality checks.

I am busy today, making four batches of almond roca for various upcoming events. I am trying to make up for yesterday, which was a TOTAL wash, since my migraine permitted only small amounts of productivity here and there in between head rubs and vomiting. SO sad. Anyway, I am a whole new woman today and feeling like taking on the world!

While I was on my first batch of candy, I overheard this conversation:

Ella: Paxton! You can't have that!

Paxton: Yes I can! It's mine, Ella!

Ella: Well, then, I'm just not going to be your best friend anymore!

Paxton: You should get out of my room then.

Ella: But....but....why?

I had my volunteer shift yesterday. It seemed to drag on and on with my pounding headache. What with all the gagging while accepting and testing urine samples, I was really starting to feel sorry for myself. Then? Then, just as I am about to walk out the door to head home, flowers came. For me. Flowers for me. My beautiful husband had sent flowers to me. Just because. I was sort of speechless and then I felt like I should send them back. I haven't done ANYTHING to deserve flowers lately.

My reality check? That even when I am feeling sorry for myself, whining and the like, my best friend will still let me stay in his room and he'll even send me flowers because he can see that my behavior is a desperate plee for some nurturing.

Thank You, my beautiful Lord, for bringing this amazing man into my life. Thank You for humbling me and making me slow down, forcing me to appreciate my life, my blessings, and my precious family.

**an Advent activity update coming later today.


Anonymous said...

That's my boy. What a man he has become. Not only is he such a good soul mate and husband he is also an amazing role model for your little ones. Just think of all the daily things that you two do for each other and your family that teaches your children how to nurture and care for someone you love. We need more of that in today's world.


Christy said...

Way to go Steve! Was he the one giving you head rubs too? What a relief that you are feeling better today. I am totally worthless when I have a are amazing.