Monday, April 03, 2006

Dooce..whoa. Hot buttons.

I was reading another one of my favorite blogs, Dooce. I CANNOT believe the amount of energy people have over other people's choices about how to get their children to sleep. Okay, I guess I can, since I used to be one of them. But I don't think I would post on someone else's blog about it! Holy cow. There are indeed some "hot button" issues out there but usually they aren't about sleeping. I guess when you're a parent though, anything is fair game. What the hell do I know? I put my kids to sleep on their tummy's, vaccinate them, and let them cry it out when I know they're just tired. Love is a funny thing.

As I posted on Saturday, I had my bible study/book club girlfriends over here for our monthly meeting. Usually politics never play a roll in our discussions or meetings, but even if they had I wouldn't have worried about it since I figured we would all be on the same page anyway. WAS I EVER WRONG! Anyone who knows me knows how conservative I am. You can imagine how surprised I was that half of our little "religious" group was liberal. Whoa. Now, I'm no Rush Limbaugh, but I do happen to find modesty, repect for unborn life, self discipline, goodwill and service above self really attractive virtues. What's even more interesting? All of the ones that surprised me with their leftist opinions were educators ( maybe not so surprising)-and they were all talking about dumping more money into social programs..yeah, that'll make em work. Was that a soapbox I just sat on?

I remained silent for the entire conversation. Can you believe it? Me? Silent? I was afraid the Pandora's box that I might open would successfully alienate me from this precious group. I ended the converstaion by saying, "I don't know. You know, my Grandmother, who lived through the Great Depression, went to the movies, which she NEVER does, to see "Cinderella Man". She came out of there, weeping, saying, 'That's how America used to be--people took pride in who they were, worked hard, provided for their families, and only borrowed money from the governement when they were truly starving. They repaid the money as soon as they could because, damnit, it was the right thing to do'." Silence................."Okay! Should we choose the next book we're going to read?!"

Good day today. We turned the T.V off again and I once again have a relationship with my children and husband. I think I might acually read for pleasure later today! Look out! I hate that I have such an addictive personality and cannot unglue myself from the television at night. There's not even anything WORTH watching on. I just watch it because it's there. That damn hypnotizing blue haze, flickering in the backround of the family room.

1 comment:

One Boys Mom said...

Wow, almost too many issues to even comment on. I don't even know what I am (like everything else in my life probably a mix)...but until I met you I was the only person in my friendship circle who was pro-life.

Guess I also need to get over to dooce to see the comments.

As for that little blue I love the light. Then again, I'm a single one for me to talk to at 9 pm :(