Sunday, April 23, 2006

Slacker mom

It's official. My second son and third born, can now throw himself over from tummy to back. When did it happen, you ask? Well, I can't be sure since I WASN"T EVEN HERE! I got a call on my cell phone about six minutes after I walked out the front door. It was Steve, informing me that our son had reached his first MAJOR milestone. Yeah, that felt good. My first thought was.... "and why do I stay home again? Wasn't it so that I would be there for all those precious 'firsts' that will never happen again?" Yeah, glad I could only HEAR about it while standing in the produce section, squeezing avocados. Oh, Shepherd forgive your slacker mother.

We had a good day today. Our Sundays have transformed themselves into the most amazing days. Days which we used to dread, for fear that once again our daughter would sing "Happy Birthday to you!" very loudly during the solemn celebration of the blessed sacrament. Steve used to be broken out in a complete sweat by 9:30 with the hussle and bussle of trying to get himself ready, help me with the kids, and then hurry to the atm, grab cash, run into the church and claim our usual spot, IN THE BACK of course. Now, our Sunday's are still pretty full and busy, but wonderful. We went to Mass, came home, napped, went to see "Ice AGE 2" at the theater, went grocery shopping and got the kids to bed. Now Steve and I are about to sit with a glass of wine and watch a movie. Nicely done, Prentice 5.

I also started eating "raw" today. Man, it is a comletely different way to think and eat and I LOVE it. I have a friend supporting me, who has been eating this way for over a year. She has four children and swears that her energy and clarity of thought is like nothing she had ever experienced before. Okay Carol, now it's time to put your natural nut paste where your mouth is! I'm giving it a go! I will still be cooking the same way (with minor adjustments so that I am not COMPLETELY left out of family meal times) for Steve and the kids. I don't want to force anything on them (at least with their knowledge of it).

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