Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wonders never cease.

So far, I have survived two whole days and one half day with all three kids BY MYSELF. I still have one to go, but two and a half outta three ain't bad. So, the way I look at it, I'm already ahead.

Today was a preschool day so as usual, our morning was pretty crazy. On the upside, the kids took good naps today, I caught a 20 minute nap myself, my letter to the editor was in the paper without an X through it, I made it to TWO stores today, showered, and.....are you ready for the real kicker?.....drum roll please.......A friend that hasn't spoken to me for over a year called and left a message on my cell phone saying, "I'm sorry and I miss you". Whoa. God is good and wonders never cease. I am so grateful. It felt so good just to hear her voice let alone the accompanying heartfelt apology and request for a call back! I am going to call her tonight. I sent them a Christmas card, but honestly never thought I'd see or hear from them again ( at least intentionally, this IS a very small community afterall). How good.

I am getting increasingly more excited about Steve's baptism. If I think about it for too long I start to get nervous. Why nervous? I'm not sure. Maybe it's because he'll now officially have the same standing that I do, thereby enabling him to "call me on my %$^#" better. As if he wasn't already completely armed with the capacity to annihilate me if we ever went toe to toe on the church's teachings about sex.

I am off to Holy Thursday mass. I got a babysitter!! Shepherd and I are going to have a little date. ;) It's going to feel so good. I have just been feeling so grateful lately. I am more excited about this Easter than any other that I can recall. I think I might even wear WHITE. Well....maybe not.

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