Monday, April 17, 2006

Sunday Six....a day late.

Paxton's Answers:

1. What is Passover?
I don't know.

2. Why do people celebrate Easter?
Cuz it's Easter.

3. What is a Seder?
I don't know, what's a seder? Ooo, I like Seder, that's a cool game!

4. Where does the Easter Bunny live?
In Spokane?.

5. What is Matzah Ball Soup? (And if you know, do you like it?)
I don't know.

6. What do you do with Easter Eggs?
Open them!

1 comment:

One Boys Mom said...

I love that Pax just says "I don't know." instead of making something up, does that mean he is going to be a very analytical thinker?

Where are Ella's answers?!!!?!