Sunday, April 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Paxton...Pope John Paul II remembered

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday dear Paxton, happy birthday to you. Today is a good day to turn 4.

While eating our birthday cake for breakfast at 6:30 this morning, Mommy says, "Paxton, what one thing did you learn while being 3?" Paxton responds, "to suck my fingers". Same questioned asked of Ella. "What did you learn while Paxton was 3?" She screams, "ONE!". Hmm, maybe she didn't understand the question. What did Daddy learn? "That we really like baby Shepherd!" And....drum roll please......Mommy secretly learned that, eventhough it's someone's birthday, the litter box still needs to be cleaned out.

I started feeling sorry for my son that he has to share a birthday with the memorial of Pope JP II. Then I realized that this was a day to celebrate and to honor. It will be a GOOD day to share....unlike an old friend who gave birth on September 11th, 2001. Pope John Paul was, in my opinion, the greatest Pope we have ever had. His vision for the future of the church was about love, acceptance, and willingness to humble ourselves to help others. To give when we felt we had nothing, to love when we wanted to hate, and to put others first. Always. Man, I have some work to do.

After Mass we are off to Chuck E. Cheese, the same place we were, just one year ago, celebrating paxton's 3rd birthday! Man, Mr. Cheese and this family are really going to be tight by the time Paxton's 8 or so! I was looking at some video we took last year at paxton's party. I was pregnant with Shepherd but didn't know it yet. How beautiful life is. I also found out I was pregnant with Ella on Paxton's 1st birthday. So, overall, April 2nd is a REALLY GOOD DAY.

Here's to you Mr. Prentice. It's going to be good to be 4!

1 comment:

One Boys Mom said...

Happy Birthday Paxton!!! Can't wait to see pictures of the party.