Saturday, April 01, 2006

book club days...

Today I met with my bible study/book club girls. I always love our meetings and usually end feeling much better than when we began. They are so strong, each one of them. I think that each one of us feels love for the other that we don't really express or maybe can't. We haven't known each other for that long so it's hard to imagine that we would feel as bonded as we do. Like I said, none of us ever really says, "Oh, I love you so much!", but it's understood. I know that I can cry with them and it's never talked about again. I know that when they leave, they go home to their families, lay down at night, and they pray for ME. How awesome is that? I believe now, more than I ever have in my life, that the biggest gift you can give to someone is to pray for them. I have seen people's lives and attitudes transformed right in front of my eyes.

I am going to pray for each of them for ten minutes when I go down to confession at 4. I am writing this in my blog so that I ACTUALLY GO DOWN TO CONFESSION. I MUST NOT FORGET for the third Saturday in a row! Especially since my husband force fed me bacon on a lenten Friday (we both forgot it was Firday). Dear God, may I not burn in hell. As I approach Easter, I am feeling so much more contemplative and solemn. I know that I just blogged about being minorly depressed. It just dawned on me as I was writing this that there might be a correlation here. Lent. Solemnity. Contemplation. Repressing indulgence. Depression? How weak I am.

Steve took the kids to the fish hatchery this morning. It was pretty darn cute to see them getting so excited to go catch fish with daddy. They came home wet, empty handed, and stinking of carp. I LOVE that Steve fishes. I LOVE that he doesn't spend his Saturdays and Sundays sitting in front of the t.v. entranced by some stupid football, baseball, or soccer game. Not that sports don't have a place, they certainly do...but not in my living room on a family day.-Okay, I will make an exception for COUGAR FOOTBALL, but that's it. Thank you Lord, for bringing a man into my life who doesn't scream explitives at the television set, delusionally believeing that the referees might actually hear him and change their call.

Paxton Jarrod turns 4 years old tomorrow. Where did my sweet, chubby, smiley baby go? The one that laughed all the time, ate well, and slept like a dream? Oh, he's still here. I forgot, he'll always be my baby. He sure is a tall one! ;) He is such a precious and beautiful light in our lives. His little sister and brother are SO lucky to have him as a big brother. Chuck E Cheese, here we come!! Out with the old, in with the new. Out with the finger sucking, in No, not yet. Let's just shoot for 4 year old preschool for now.

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