Sunday, April 09, 2006

getting things done-

We had some friends over for dinner last night. It was SO nice. It was funny--we were joking with one couple, who has only been married a little over a year, that once you have children, just going over to a friend's house for a casual dinner calls for dressing up, hand holding, and maybe even a little something special at the end of the evening when you get home. It's a date. You got a babysitter, damnit, and the food AND the company could be total crap. You're just grateful for a night "out" to yourselves. Before kids? Just dinner with some friends. No big deal.

I am feeling a bit better now, less overwhelmed at least. I am sure going to miss my husband who will be gone four days this week. I am hoping we can do some good quality painting together today and tomorrow. It's supposed to rain the day we were going to paint the house. Ah...How life throws us curve balls. We are actually a little sick in the mind with how much we love painting. It's just this instant high when you look at a wall that used to be unpainted, boring, plain, average. Now it is transformed. It has taken on a color as if to say, "Hey! I'm right here! Thank you for giving me life!" Beautiful. Even white can be beautiful. It just has to want to be white.

Not much to report. Paxton is now four, has stopped sucking his fingers, STARTED sucking his thumb, and has given up naps altogether. He is such a big boy. (well, except for that whole trading the fingers for the thumb thing) Ella is fully potty trained, regressing only for brief moments when she squats to poop in the corner of her room in her panties. Yeah, that's what we're working with people. Shepherd is in the middle of a growth spurt, wanting to eat every two hours or so and waking up at 4 again. I am feeling more rested though, so it's totally tolerable. Steve has made his office into this peaceful place, complete with a standing work station. He now STANDS to work everyday. I am so proud of him. I know that must be hard. He is doing it because it's so much better for you than sitting all day. I think that's awesome that he is making the effort to take care of himself.

On to our family Sunday. It's palm Sunday today. The pope gave a wonderful homily on Passion Sunday, about what the cross really means. The fullness of life. So beautiful.

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