Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How can you tell when you are DESPERATELY in need of groceries??

Your husband sees you exhausted, preparing to be gone again tonight to take a child to CCD and says, " Honey, I'll make dinner." You think to yourself that this sounds so nice.

You all end up eating mashed potatoes and turkey bacon. Because really? That's all he could have cooked anyway.

 The grocery store and I MUST see each other tomorrow.



Melissa said...

Mmmm...did you say mashed potatoes?! :)

Celeste Creates said...

Too funny Melissa!

My refrigerator is looking about that bare right now!!! I am hoping we make it till Saturday morning, my grocery trip for the week. I might have to get creative.

Jill said...

Melissa..that cracks me up!

We had a 'group date' today at the grocery store due to our lack of food. I prefer one on one dates. :)