Thursday, August 17, 2006

dollar store familiarity

Steve's been at the fair all day today and will be there until late tonight, taking tickets. He is a member of Rotary and they are all "encouraged" to take a shift at the fair. generous husband signed up for THREE, all in one day.

The kids and I are in the process of watching Snow White. I say process because there are usually frequent intermissions when you are watching an hour and half long movie with a four year old and a two year old.

I was just sitting with Paxton a second ago and the following conversation ensued:

Paxton: Mom, did you know I have enough stickers to go to the dollar store now?

Me: Yeah, let's go tomorrow!

Paxton: But, I think that we should go to Grandma and Grandpa's dollar store. ( They live in the next town over)

Me: Why?

Paxton: Cuz I don't know our dollar store very well. I just know Grandma's better. I think that's a good idea, Mom.

So cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So funny....Grandma has taken them to the dollar store one time.