Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mama by marriage!

Steve's mom turned 60 today. Sorry, Mrs. Prentice, you've been exposed. :)

We just went to their house for a nice birthday dinner cooked by the Prentice 5. Well, more like the Prentice 2 since Paxton, Ella and Shepherd weren't much help. They were good for filling the cuteness quota I suppose.

This birthday seemed hard for Steve's mom. She kept saying that it felt a lot bigger than turning 50 did. I guess it's all relative. Don't we all have a certain number? That one number that is harder to hit than any other? Why is that? So strange. Regardless of how SHE feels about it, we feel so grateful. I told her that she is finally at the "believable age to be a grandma". It has nothing to do with looks, but something about the 60's says, "I am a grandparent and I have a ton of energy still to give to these little people who are pretty sure that the sun rises and sets on me". I am ready to rest, live, learn, grow, and watch my legacy unfold before my eyes. What's more, she will be so pivotal to who they become as adults by what she models today. They are watching you, Grandma, and they are loving you with every fiber of their being. You better take advantage of the coolness with which you have been bestowed!

Steve and I are really going to try to take charge of this ship. Tonight, before tucking the kids into bed, we read the daily scripture from the magnificat. It felt SO good. On the way home from Grandma's we listened to the luminous mysteries on CD. I keep feeling like we are chasing our tails, like we're on a runaway train. It doesn't have to be like that. I know too much. Steve knows too much. God loves us too much. Our kids need us too much. The resources at our fingertips are too great to keep going unused. It feels good. I think we are officially on the bandwagon.

Pictures are coming, I promise! You'd think that with a husband who is a software engineer that the technology of it all might not horrify me. But, it really does. Shhhh. Please don't tell him. He'd be so ashamed.

1 comment:

Melissa said...


How beautiful...keep them coming!

That feeling of chasing my tail is something I've been trying to describe to Darren for a while now, so I know just how you feel. Sounds like you're making some excellent changes, though, some that I've been considering making, too (especially now that I've had a chance to start on "A Mother's Rule of Life"). You're right: God loves us so much, and I feel the least I can do is to try and make every day a reflection of how much I love and need Him...and, by my example, to teach my kids to do the same.