Friday, August 18, 2006

Rotarian ticket taking...and punch.

Steve came home around 11:00 last night after a long day at the fair, taking tickets and being a fill-in. Last night, the first night of the Rodeo, Steve's post was at the Blue Gate. At said Blue Gate, there are many different kinds of people wanting to get into the fair without having to pay; gothic teenagers, aging Hispanic men with many children, none of whom speak a lick of English, scantily clad young women who "just need to get in because they work there", and angry African American men thinking that being asked to present proof of purchase, ie: a ticket, screams racism. Ahh...the joys of having to get into a confrontation with someone over a seven dollar ticket and a green stamp. I loved hearing of the night's adventures.

My personal favorite? Having my husband come into the bedroom, wake me up with a kiss and proceed to tell me all about it, beginning with "So, honey! Your husband got punched in the face tonight!"

I was so proud.

It seems to me that Rotary has a higher than usual expectation of service. Something tells me that he would be kicked out of the club if he punched the kid back. If that isn't discrimination, I don't know what is. Sheesh.

Apparently, that angry teenager on a huffy thought he could peddle right on by Steve and NOT HAVE TO ACCOUNT FOR THAT TICKET. I don't think so. Steve stopped him and a swift punch was delivered. Poor Steve. Poor angry teenager that must not have grown up with a positive male role model and a loving maternal influence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now maybe my son knows why he was not allowed to camp out with friends at the fair. Too many weirdos.