Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Morning from Heaven.

We got up. Showered. Dressed. It was 6 a.m. and two kids were up.

It is now 8:45 and I am gearing up to go to Crossroads in about an hour. We had breakfast, prayed, did puzzles and have been listening to Catholic Songs for Little Ones all morning. So nice.

I have noticed that, since I have been getting up at 5:30 (with only a couple exceptions), it feels like God's graces are more prevalent in my life. Why is that? I should be more tired and feel MORE worn out, right? Not so. I feel so much more organized and ready for my day--like my vocation is actually worth doing, worth trying, worth loving.

Now, if I could just wean myself off the of the ENTIRE POT OF COFFEE to which I have become addicted. Baby steps, baby steps. Hey, at least it's not Ritalin.


Melissa said...

How strange--I was just about to blog about this very same phenomenon occuring in my own household! I've been getting up at 6:00 lately and by the time 8:00 rolls around, I feel like I've already gotten so much accomplished...everybody up, ready, beds made, dishwasher loaded, laundry started, and I feel so on top of everything the rest of the day!

Isn't it great?! I have to admit to being somewhat "attached", I'll say, to my coffee, too, but overall, I'm feeling so much more energized and optimistic about everything now...I've even put together an informal pre-school lesson plan that I'm working on every day with Dylan and Caitlyn.


Hope you're enjoying the rest of your day!

Celeste Creates said...

Ok, way too amazing guys!!! Are we all on the same page or what????????? I have been getting up at 5:40 recently too and what a difference it makes to my day!!!!!!! It is so crazy to love getting up so early and to be blessed by the not-so-tiredness as one would expect. And I'm even pregnant!

I do not drink the hwole pot though - probably would if I weren't pregnant. :)

I used to get up early before Andrew was born, but then with feeding him and the unrpedictability of his waking times, I just couldn't. Now I can and I love it.

The way I figure it you are up at my 4:30 and Melissa's 3:30. Ha ha. Too funny. By the time Melissa gets up, you are well into your day! Gotta love time zones!

I'll be thinking of you both and praying for you tomorrow morn.

Michelle said...

There is nothing wrong with drinking a whole pot of coffee.

Good work on getting up early, ladies. I do too. But recently, Petey's been getting up early too...that's no good.

Celeste Creates said...

You know, I was just thinking about it last night. Are you east or west coast????? If west, I had it all wrong and I am actually the first one up - oh, boy!!!


One Boys Mom said...

What would life be without coffee?

He who wears the most black wins. said...


I am on west coast time. You are right, you're up and at em' WAY before we are. :)