Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Let us honor...

The Assumption into Heaven of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Feast Day: August 15

Young Families

When Jesus died on the cross, he gave his mother to his apostle John. That means that he wanted Mary to treat John as her son, and John to treat Mary as his mother and take care of her. Mary moved into John's home, where he said Mass each day. So Mary was close to her Son in the Blessed Sacrament, even though He had ascended into Heaven.

Mary's love for God and Jesus grew even stronger than it had been when Jesus had been present on earth. She grew more holy every day. People came to visit her, she was kind and patient with everyone. Saint Luke (who wrote the Gospel of Saint Luke) painted a picture of her during this time. The portrait of 'Our Lady of Perpetual Help" which was painted centuries later, used Saint Luke's portrait as a model of what Mary looked like.

Finally when she was very old, it was time for Mary to die. She had enough time to say goodbye to all the apostles before she died. The grieving apostles took her body to a tomb near the one that Jesus was laid in. They covered her with a white shroud and laid her to rest in the tomb.

But Mary's body didn't stay there. Jesus came to her and took her body and soul into heaven to be with Him. Mary was the Immaculate Conception - the only person except Jesus who had been born without the stain of Original Sin,the disobedience of Adam and Eve. God and Jesus would not let the body of the Mother of God decay. This was her reward for her love of God and her years of faithful prayers and suffering.

This is an excerpt from a post on Danielle Bean's blog this morning. We're off to Mass at 9 and then a nice playdate in the park.

I also just found out that FOUR out of 8 of the women in my book club/ bible study are expecting!!! That will make FOUR NEW BABIES in two and a half months. Yay!

Oh, our weekend? Incredible. I will post about it either later today or tomorrow. :)


Celeste Creates said...

would love to hear about how your Bible study/book club works


He who wears the most black wins. said...


Book Club is great. We originally started it a year ago, and just focused on the Regnum Christi daily meditaions and shared reflections. Then we dove into Stormie O'Martians series, Power of the Praying Wife/ Mother. She is not Catholic, but quotes scripture often and come on, isn't prayer prayer?

Then we decided that we would read a book together and talk about it in it's entirety the next time we met. We read Effigies in Ashes--rather heavy, but a good read about a converstion story all the same. Now we are back onto a scriputre based book Living As a Beloved Daughter of God. Usually, we do a lot of talking so it takes us about two hours and we get through only about two chapters. We meet once a month.