Thursday, August 10, 2006

What's funnier than funny?

Being at the neighborhood ice cream social and having your neighbor, who NEVER waves at you when they drive by, recognize you instantly as "the sweet family that is always waving at us".

You can't make this stuff up. Seriously.


Michelle said...

Maybe they all have a form of carpal tunnel, and waving aggravates the condition...

He who wears the most black wins. said...

Yes, maybe. Good thought, Michelle. I hadn't considered that they might have some underlying medical condition impeding their ability TO BE POLITE.

Celeste Creates said...

Just reached your blog from Melissa's. Really enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading it more. I am a fellow Danielle Bean junkie. My blog has a link on Melissa's (Bountiful Blessings) - The Great Adventure.

I was reading back on your blog and came across the breastfeeding/3rd baby smaller issue. Don't beat yourself up for doing what you think is best or necessary. There are things that are morally right and wrong and then there are the myriad choices we get to make as parents. My third baby is just smaller than my other two and I didn't have breastfeeding troubles. He even ate more and longer during the night than the other two. Solids will help and he may just always be the smaller of them. It's ok, I think, as long as Dr. says he's healthy. It is hard though.

And the vasectomy thing, oh how that hit home. Just did our second meeting with our current engaged sponsor couple last night and he emphatically declared that after 4 he'd "get snipped." Okey dokey. It is soooooo hard to know what to do or say. We can only offer up lots of food for thought and Church teaching and then be the seed that is planted. God has to do the rest. We do speak out about it though. Of course we are NFP promoters anyway so we aren't to afraid to come right out and say the truth.

Again, enjoyed your blog!