Saturday, August 26, 2006

Five things I learned today.

1) We are all (for the most part) deluded when we convince ourselves that "organic" produce is in some way better for us.

2) A really cold, half eaten apple soothes a teething baby's gums better than a frozen washcloth.

3) Ella cannot get rid of her hiccoughs for two reasons, 1) She cannot reach them and 2) she is allergic to peanut butter which ALWAYS does the trick for Paxy.

4) During WWII, for training purposes there was such a job as being a "Pull Pilot", which is basically the equivalent of allowing minimally trained officers to point their rifles at you, who are running as fast as you possibly can, pulling some big target which they are supposed to HIT with said rifles. Hmm....I think I'd be out sick that day.


5) If you want to build a truly colonial home you must be willing to forego a lot of things that nowadays we would consider critical safety items--ie..a fireplace that is floor level and could fit about four grown men inside. Hmm...I think we'll just have the kids sleep outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah it is hard to know if vegies ferterlized with natural stuff like animal poop is better for you than chemicals. You wonder why food is so appealing.