Monday, July 31, 2006

Damaged for life : breastfeeding hangups and brain capacities

We are back from our long weekend to go spend some more time with my mom. Thanks for the well wishes! Mom is starting to do a little better, although it seems that it is two steps forward and one back. My stepdad called this morning to tell me that she is starting to complain about the hospital food now. That's a good sign at least. Now she is aware enough to notice the tar that sits before her, that everyone seems to call "lunch". They actually tried feeding her the quintessential hospital food, green jello. Ew. Hopefully she'll be home by Wednesday or Thursday, a full ten days after she went in (and five days longer than she was supposed to have been there).

While we were in Spokane we took the kids to the airshow at Fairchild airforce base. They got to see the THUNDERBIRDS. They were awesome and the kids loved going through the old warplanes. Steve keeps saying that one of his major regrets is that he never served his country. When pressed further, he just said that it was 'the right thing to do' especially with the war happening. If he had said that to me three years ago I might have chuckled and not given it another thought. But for some reason when he said that yesterday, I agreed with him. I found myself wishing that too, wishing that my brothers would serve, and thinking that there is still time. Interesting, huh? How could Steve do that?

Awesome post on Danielle Bean re: breastfeeding. Check it out! With all of this talk about my boobs lately, it's a wonder any of you are still reading this. Thanks for being so awesome and supportive. I am, afterall, just trying to do the best thing for MY baby and also be the best mom possible to all of my children. The end. No more nipple talk.

One last random tidbit. As most of you know, we don't have television in our house. We have a T.V. but we only use it to watch movies. While at my mom's house, the kids got to watch that flickering blue haze once again and THEY LOVED IT. So did Steve and I. So, I think while I soak in self righteousness that I am not poisoning my children's brains and diminishing their brain capacities, I will also feel free to take a two to three day vacation to mom's house anytime I feel that their little minds need poisoning. In other words, anytime I feel that they need to just "check out" so that I can do the same. It was So nice at 7:00 Saturday morning to just turn it on and let it do it's job. It did it's job so well in fact that Paxton is now calling his father 'Steve' and Ella has started yelling 'NO!'. Dear Lord, what have we done? It was just a little Dora and Doogal! The damage is irreparable.

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