Monday, July 24, 2006

weighing heavily..

A couple things that are weighing heavily on my heart; potentially weaning altogether and vasectomies (Not us!! Don't worry).

I got out the kids' baby books this morning to update them, like I do after every well-baby checkup. So..I think I figured out why it is distressing me so much to let go of nursing Shepherd. I have just been having this horrible feeling in my heart, this feeling that he's just too little still which is a) why I should KEEP nursing and b) why I should STOP nursing-- he's not getting enough! So I looked up the kids' weights and heights at their 6 month checkups. At 6 months, Paxton: 19 pounds 29 inches, Ella: 18lbs 2 oz, 25 1/4 inches. Shepherd: 14lb 14 oz., 25 1/2 inches. Shepherd is over four pounds smaller than Paxton was ( and 3 1/2 inches shorter!) and 3 1/2lbs smaller than Ella! No wonder.

Also I looked up their stats at 12 months. Paxton: 30 lbs ( yeah, you read that right) and 31 inches. Ella: 22 lbs and 29 inches. Either my grimacing in pain has affected my milk supply over the last couple months, or Shepherd is just going to be coasting along on the shrimp boat to short town for the rest of his life.

Second topic; Vasectomy. Okay, so I have been disturbed as of late about how many Catholics seem to think that contracepting and permanent sterilization is OKAY. I am really not trying to sound judgmental, especially since I myself was on birth control at one time. But, I have also made an effort to know where the church stands on marriage, child rearing and sexual purpose since then. I have made an effort to dive head first into this faith and embrace and understand the WHOLE thing, not just the parts that are easy to agree with. Two catholic men that I know have had vascetomies recently. (I won't get into the fact that one of them consulted a priest in a nearby parish who told him to "go ahead" with it! He had to have had a gut feeling it was wrong to feel the need to ask a priest, right?)

So, in the process of learning the "why's" regarding many catholic teachings, I learned the primary purpose for married sex. It is two-fold; unitive and procreative. They have to be allowed and accepted together. We cannot tear them apart, else we suffer pain and emotional turmoil. It's a pandora's box, our society's ability to grow babies in Petri dishes and have one night stands without knowing the other person's name. God made man for woman and woman for man. There is a reason our bodies fit perfectly together, to bring forth life and love. The openness to life is a critical aspect of that sacramental union, so much so that if one spouse is unwilling to be open to life, the marriage will not be blessed by the church. It's THAT big. It's THAT big that we let GOD control the marriage and life that we have and that we pray for HIS will every single day, not that he becomes okay with ours.

Okay, this is getting heavier than I initially intended it to be. Suffice it to say that what bothers me the most is that I deeply love and care about these men and their wives ( who are also catholic by the way) and I don't know what to do. Steve and I have asked the advice of other people about whether or not we should let them know what the church really believes about it. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, we're assuming they don't already know. It is not our place to judge. It IS however, our place to help others in the path of Christ, as I would hope my fellow Christians would do if Steve and I were suffering in sin. Any suggestions? It can be reversed afterall, so it's not like it would be fruitless if we did say something.

Again, only I could start blogging about big babies and close by writing about paths of sin. I am complex, like an onion. Well, maybe more like a light switch, on or off. Yeah, that's probably more like it.


Melissa said...

I can completly relate to how you're feeling regarding birth control and church teachings. I myself have felt this way on a number of occasions, and have even found myself defending my position to my own extended FAMILY! How sad is that? I mean, we're ALL Catholic! I guess some of us just embrace the Church and her teachings more fully than others. I really wish it wasn't that way, though.

I'm currently reading a beautiful book called "Life-Giving Love" by Kimberly Hahn. It might be one that you'd enjoy, too.

Michelle said...

A friend's husband rashly had a vasectomy and then years later changed his mind about the morality of it. They looked at reversals, but they're really not that easy. A reversal is not at all covered by insurance, is much more painful than the vasectomy was, and the recovery time is longer...and there is no guarantee it would work.

My sister had a tubal ligation after her second child and has since come to realize that it was wrong (we told her then, but she didn't listen). Her penance seems to be living for the rest of her life with the knowledge that she did this awful thing that she can't really fix (she can't afford a reversal).

My 2 cents about breastfeeding and weaning: first of all, stop flogging yourself! Secondly, if you are on the fence about giving up nursing the baby, then I would suggest you don't entirely right now. Start with ONE bottle a day...or nurse the baby and when he's "done" offer him formula from the bottle. If he's still hungry after nursing, he'll drink it up and if he prefers it (because it's easier and more filling), he'll stop nursing and look for the bottle sooner at the next feeding.

Keep in mind that in 3 to 6 months (which really isn't THAT long of a time), he will be getting solid food and you will no longer have yourself to solely blame for his weight. Remember that he was small when he was born, and so you can't compare him to the others: maybe he's just a smaller person!

Anonymous said...

Spirituality is very personal, and people learn about it at their own paces. You may change your mind about birth control several times during your life. Does it make you or these other people any less committed to your spiritual beliefs? Wouldn't God be happy to see that you support and love other people even if you don't see eye to eye about everything?