Sunday, July 09, 2006

Good day.

We had a good day today, beginning with an AWESOME homily from our new priest, Father Milich. (he's Croatian) He spoke about not making Jesus "convenient"--about not trying to domesticate him and make him an easier pill to swallow as we so often want to do. We'd rather look at the sweet picture of the baby Jesus in the manger than the dying Jesus on the cross. We'd rather hear His messages of loving us and forgiving us than to heed His warnings about poor decisions and their consequences. We'd rather look at the beautiful pictures of Mother Teresa with the tiny orphans than to listen to her messages about a "society, that legistates and makes legal the killing of innocent children, being filled with sin--dying a spiritual death and making our blessed Lord Jesus weep". A little heavy for a lazy Sunday evening, I know. Important nonetheless. Good message today. We cannot praise prophets from a safe distance and shrug away from them when their messages get too close for comfort. We'd rather sit in our easy chairs and just keep feeling forgiven.

We went for a long drive after Mass to Mardon, a place I have yet to experience fully. It seemed interesting. Not interesting enough to actually stop and spend time there though. I was content to wave and just keep on driving. Hard to imagine that I could have been so close to it all this time and never have seen it. Glad to have that item checked off the list. Then we went to the park, had ice cream with Grandma and Grandpa, came home and played in the pool.

I am busily preparing for a dinner Steve and I are giving in two weeks. It's a Mediterranean dinner for 8 that we donated to the school auction--a dinner that included hand written, hand delivered invitations, a limousine, lots of good food, wine, music and flowers. Plenty of candlelight to go around and Steve, me, and two friends of ours dressed to serve--white dress shirt, black slacks, and aprons that go from waist to feet. Can you see it now? Can you get a taste? Exciting? Yes. Fun? Yes.
A heluva lot of work? Yes. It is on the 22nd. Prayers accepted.

New carpet goes in on Tuesday, which also happens to be my 27th birthday. How do you know you are getting old? New carpet excites you more than a new outfit, perfume, or dinner and a movie. That's how. Well, that and the fact that I have three kids, have been married for almost six years and no longer relate to anyone under the age of 25.

Off to start our week. We are turning over a new leaf and waking up before the kids so that we can greet them happily, well- rested and ready to go. Hope it at least lasts until Wednesday.


One Boys Mom said...

The dinner sounds awesome. What a cool idea. Pictures!!!

Melissa said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel about the carpet...I found myself thinking the same thing a few months back! We replaced ours when our youngest was one month old...not only did we do the carpet, but also new tile in the kitchen AND fresh paint throughout the entire house! My sister in law joked that since my baby had been born a month early, I never had the chance to "nest" before the birth and was making up for it--and then some!

Oh, and also: your dinner sounds AMAZING!!! Good luck with that. I'm sure it will be fantastic.

So glad I found your blog. I'm really enjoying it!