Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How do you know..

when the fill-in Pediatrician isn't pro-life? When he says, as he's walking out the door, "Well, this age is my favorite baby age (referring to Shepherd's 7 months). It's when they go from being just a parasite to being an actual human being."


Note to self: DO NOT SEE DR. X EVER AGAIN.

Incidentally, Shepherd had SIX shots and has been a trooper. He actually managed to eek out a smile at the nurse when she was finished STABBING HIM OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The little parasite continues to amaze me.


One Boys Mom said...

Wow...okay, all I can say is...WOW that's horrible.

Melissa said...

Unbelievable. How could anyone even think that, let alone say it out loud...especially a doctor?! The nerve of some people.

Poor little Shepherd. Meghan just had two shots last week at her well baby check-up, and that was almost too much for us!

Thanks so much for your comments, I feel the same way about reading your blog! Our similarities just astound me! I look forward to hearing more from you.

Sounds like you're doing a great job with Shepherd, I'll continue praying for both of you!

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

I hope that when you switch to a new doctor, that you write Dr. X and tell him WHY. He needs to know that statements like that are NOT appropriate, much less OK!