Friday, July 21, 2006

A shout out

I'd just like to give a shout out to Steve, for being such an awesome husband and for being such a good helper. I'd also like to give a very special thank you to Vivian, without whom my children would have had a very rough day sitting in one spot and having to stay there so they wouldn't touch ANYTHING. They came home grinning ear to ear, having had way too much fun at the Aquatic center with Grammy all day and then she even treated them to McDonald's! It doesn't get much better then that.

It is now 8:52. I have made Sicilian Ricotta cake, molten chocolate lava cakes, roasted sweet red pepper base and now I am about to marinate the lamb, make the Hummus and Baba Ghanoush and hand wash the flatware. Table is set. Flowers were picked up. Lawn is mowed and children are sleeping. All is well and my kitchen currently smells DIVINE.

God is so good to us. It was 104+ degrees today. Not a cloud in the sky. Tomorrow is supposed to be 106. Nothing says a taste of the Mediterranean like a hot day, candles, grapes, cheese, good wine and great friends with whom to share it all.

Cheers to you all-- let the fun commence.

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