Monday, July 10, 2006

plenty of cuteness to go around

We just finished eating our lunch. While we were sitting there, Daddy said to Mommy ," I want you to plan on going to a movie tonight--by yourself". I smiled and Steve smiled, knowing that a) he wanted to give me a pre-birthday break but more importantly that b) he wanted me out of the house so that he could get some things done with the kids ( even sweeter). Then Paxton, in his most precious voice says, " But Dad, what about the kids? The kids should go to a movie too!"

I am going to lunch with a friend tomorrow, but haven't quite figured out how to finesse going to lunch while leaving the children here with Steve, who is working. Oh! And those pesky carpet layers that will be here too. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.