Monday, July 24, 2006


I just walked into Paxton's room where the kids were playing so nicely and quietly with their trains. I noticed Ella chewing on something. It was a penny. I promptly told her to please spit that out. She, of course, asked why. Here is our converstaion:

Me: Ella, you need to spit that penny out of your mouth right now, please.

Ella: But, why?

Me: Because you could choke on it and that would be very dangerous.

Ella: Why?

Me: Because you could die! Now give it to mom, please!

Ella: But then I could fly up to heaven! Yay!

Me: But you're not old enough to go to heaven yet. You have to wait. We want to have you here with us for a lot longer!

Ella: (now handing me the penny, looking very sad) But when will I be old?

Me: A long time. You have to be really, really, really old.

Paxton: Like you, mom?

The end.


Sarah Reinhard said...

There's something to be said for humility...and something to be said for the phrase "really old." Remember when 30 was old???

(Found you in the comments section over at rosetta stone, and couldn't resist clicking over)

One Boys Mom said...

Yeah, tough to put the fear of death and the comfort of heaven into the little buggers!

Truthfully, I held off on telling Declan about Heaven for a year or so, just so that he would fear DEATH. Once I explained Heaven, he just didn'e fear death... I've had similar conversations.